Martin Pickering

Git - A New Years Resolution

I have never used Git before.

Yep, there I have said it. I have not used Git before now. Of course I have used Version Control Systems for many years, but they have tended to be the ones distributed by Microsoft. As a Developer primarily involved in software based upon or using Microsoft Products, working for Microsoft Partners and being an MCSD, why wouldn’t I?

But just recently I have experienced one too many Branch and Merge nightmares with MSTFS and I am getting way too old for this sort of rubbish. Hence, I am going to take charge of my destiny (in this regard) and learn GIitIf successful then I also intend to swap over all of my Projects, Products and Software Development Teams as well.

When considering how I would go about learning Git I decided upon the following:

  • I need a project or two of substance upon which I can practice, but not ones of a critical nature such that if it all goes wrong I would not be overly bothered; so that will be a couple of my pro-bono websites I think
  • I am going to write down via a series of Posts on this website stuff about Git that I learn or that I need to retain; so, it will become my own personal reference repository of things Git that are important to me.

Last modified on 2018-01-03