Martin Pickering
Tags / Git Basics

The Cardinal Rule about Git Rebase

And why should you care...
5 minutes


It's a kind of magic.
5 minutes

Remote Branches

When you're not an island.
7 minutes

Branching Workflows

What can/should you do with branches?
3 minutes

Basic Branching and Merging

Foundational concepts and commands.
8 minutes

Switching Branches

Working on different stuff at the same time.
2 minutes

Creating a new Branch

Creaing a new divergence.
1 minutes


How to diverge from the main line.
3 minutes


Marking significant points in history.
6 minutes

Working with Remotes

No man is an island.
6 minutes

Undoing things

Oops, how do I get out of that?
3 minutes

Viewing the commit history

What has happened here then?
1 minutes

Committing changes

Making history
6 minutes

Recording changes to the Repository

Let's get some work done.
8 minutes

Getting a Git Repository

Intialising and cloning...
3 minutes

Getting help for Git commands

1 minutes

Git Config

Configuring your Git installation
2 minutes

A quickie introduction to Git

Git's terminology and the like
5 minutes

What is Git?

And is it GIT, Git or git?
5 minutes

Git - A New Years Resolution

I've never used Git before.
2 minutes