Martin Pickering

Unicode in C

Encoding text

Given the variety of human languages on this planet, text is a complex subject. Many are scared away from dealing with the various scripts of the world. This is because they think of the numerous related software problems in the area, instead of focusing on what they can do with their code to help.

The first thing to know is that you do not have to worry about most problems with digital text. The most difficult work is handled below the application layer, in Operating Systems, UI libraries, and the ‘C’ library. To give you an idea of what goes on though, here is a summary of software problems surrounding text:


Mapping characters to numbers. Many such mappings exist; once you know the encoding of a piece of text, you know what character is meant by a number. Unicode is one such mapping, and a popular one since it incorporates more characters than any other (currently).


Once you know what character is meant, you must find a font that has the character and render it. This task is much complicated by the need to display both left-to-right and right-to-left text, the existence of combining characters that modify previous characters and have zero width, the fact that some languages require wider character cells than others, and context-sensitive letterforms.


An input method is a way to map keystrokes (most likely several keystrokes on a typical keyboard) to characters. Input is also complicated by bi-directional text.

Internationalization i18n

This refers to the practice of translating a program into multiple languages, effectively by translating all the program’s strings.


Code that processes text as more than just binary data might have to become a lot smarter. The problems of searching, sorting, and modifying letter case (upper/lower) vary per language. If your application doesn’t need to perform such tasks, consider yourself lucky. If you do need these operations, you can probably find a UI toolkit or i18n library that already implements them.

If you are savvy with just the first issue (encoding), then OS-vendor-supplied input methods and display routines should magically work with your program. Whether you want to or are able to translate your software is another matter and compared to proper handling of character encodings it is almost optional (corrupting data is worse than having an unintelligible UI).

The encoding this article is about is called Unicode. Unicode officially encodes 1,114,112 characters, from 0x000000 to 0x10FFFF. The idea that Unicode is a 16-bit encoding is completely wrong. For maximum compatibility, individual Unicode values are usually passed around as 32-bit integers (4 bytes per character), even though this is more than necessary. For convenience, the first 128 Unicode characters are the same as those in the familiar ASCII encoding.

The consensus is that storing four bytes per character is wasteful, so a variety of representations have sprung up for Unicode characters. The most interesting one for ‘C’ programmers is called UTF-8. UTF-8 is a “multi-byte” encoding scheme, meaning that it requires a variable number of bytes to represent a single Unicode value. Given a so-called “UTF-8 sequence”, you can convert it to a Unicode value that refers to a character.

UTF-8 has the property that all existing 7-bit ASCII strings are still valid. UTF-8 only affects the meaning of bytes greater than 127, which it uses to represent higher Unicode characters. A character might require 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes of storage depending on its value; more bytes are needed as values get larger. To store the full range of possible 32-bit characters, UTF-8 would require a whopping 6 bytes. But again, Unicode only defines characters up to 0x10FFFF, so this should never happen in practice.

UTF-8 is a specific scheme for mapping a sequence of 1-4 bytes to a number from 0x000000 to 0x10FFFF:

00000000 -- 0000007F: 0xxxxxxx
00000080 -- 000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx  
00000800 -- 0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx  
00010000 -- 001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

The x’s are bits to be extracted from the sequence and glued together to form the final number.

It is fair to say that UTF-8 is taking over the world. It is already used for filenames in Linux and is supported by all mainstream web browsers. This is not surprising considering its many nice properties:

  • It can represent all 1,114,112 Unicode characters.
  • Most ‘C’ code that deals with strings on a byte-by-byte basis still works, since UTF-8 is fully compatible with 7-bit ASCII.
  • Characters usually require fewer than four bytes.
  • String sort order is preserved. In other words, sorting UTF-8 strings per-byte yields the same order as sorting them per-character by logical Unicode value.
  • A missing or corrupt byte in transmission can only affect a single character; you can always find the start of the sequence for the next character just by scanning a couple bytes.
  • There are no byte-order/endianness issues, since UTF-8 data is a byte stream.

The only price to pay for all this is that there is no longer a one-to-one correspondence between bytes and characters in a string. Finding the nth character of a string requires iterating over the string from the beginning.

Side note: Some consider UTF-8 to be discriminatory, since it allows English text to be stored efficiently at one byte per character while other world scripts require two bytes or more. This is a troublesome point, but it should not get in the way of Unicode adoption. First, UTF-8 was not really designed to preferentially encode English text. It was designed to preserve compatibility with the large body of existing code that scans for special characters such as line breaks, spaces, NUL terminators, and so on. Furthermore, the encoding used internally by a program has little impact on the user, if it can represent their data without loss. UTF-8 is a great boon, especially for ‘C’ programming. Think of it this way: if it allows you to internationalize an application that would have been difficult to convert otherwise, it is much less discriminatory than the alternative.

The C library

All recent implementations of the standard C library have lots of functions for manipulating international strings. Before reading up on them, it helps to know some vocabulary:

“Multi-byte character” or “multi-byte string” refers to text in one of the many (possibly language-specific) encodings that exist throughout the world. A multi-byte character does not necessarily require more than one byte to store; the term is merely intended to be broad enough to encompass encodings where this is the case. UTF-8 is in fact only one such encoding; the actual encoding of user input is determined by the user’s current locale setting (selected as an option in a system dialog or stored as an environment variable in UNIX). Strings you get from the user will be in this encoding, and strings you pass to printf() are supposed to be as well. Strings within your program can of course be in any encoding you want, but you might have to convert them for proper display.

“Wide character” or “wide character string” refers to text where each character is the same size (usually a 32-bit integer) and simply represents a Unicode character value (code point). This format is a known common currency that allows you to get at character values if you want to. The wprintf() family is able to work with wide character format strings, and the %ls format specifier for normal printf() will print wide character strings (converting them to the correct locale-specific multi-byte encoding on the way out).

The ‘C’ library also provides functions like towupper() that can convert a wide character from any language to uppercase (if applicable). strftime() can format a date and time string appropriately for the current locale, and strcoll() can do international sorting. These and other functions that depend on locale must be initialized at the beginning of your program using

    #include <locale.h> 
    int main() 
        char *locale; 
        locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); 

You don’t have to do anything with the locale string returned by setlocale(), but you can use it to query your user’s locale settings (more on this later).

The ‘C’ library pretty much assumes you will be using multi-byte strings throughout your program (since that’s what you get as input). Since multi-byte strings are opaque, a lot of functions beginning with ‘mb’ are provided to deal with them. Personally, I don’t like remaining ignorant of what encoding my strings use. One concrete problem with the multi-byte thing is file I/O; a given file could be in any encoding, independent of locale. When you write a file or send data over a network, keeping the multi-byte encoding might be a bad idea. Even if all software uses only the proper locale-independent ‘C’ library functions, and all platforms support all encodings internally, there is still no single standard for communicating the encoding of a piece of text; e.g. email messages and HTML tags do it in various ways. You also might be able to do more efficient processing, or avoid rewriting code, if you knew the encoding your strings used.

Your encoding options

You are free to choose a string encoding for internal use in your program. The choice pretty much boils down to either UTF-8, wide (4-byte) characters, or multi-byte. Each has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • UTF-8
    • Pro: compatible with all existing strings and most existing code
    • Pro: takes less space
    • Pro: widely used as an interchange format (e.g. in XML)
    • Con: more complex processing, O(n) string indexing
  • Wide characters
    • Pro: easy to process
    • Con: wastes space
    • Pro/Con: although you can use the syntax L"Hello, world." to easily include wide-character strings in ‘C’ programs, the size of wide characters is not consistent across platforms (some incorrectly use 2-byte wide characters)
    • Con: should not be used for output, since spurious zero bytes and other low-ASCII characters with common meanings (such as / and \n) will likely be sprinkled throughout the data.
  • Multi-byte
    • Pro: no conversions ever needed on input and output
    • Pro: built-in C library support
    • Pro: provides the widest possible internationalization, since in rare cases conversion between local encodings and Unicode does not work well
    • Con: strings are opaque
    • Con: perpetuates incompatibilities. For example, there are three major encodings for Russian. If one Russian sends data to another through your program, the recipient will not be able to read the message if his or her computer is configured for a different Russian encoding. But if your program always converts to UTF-8, the text is effectively normalized so that it will be widely legible (especially in the future) no matter what encoding it started in.

I advocate explicit instruction on using UTF-8 as an internal string encoding. Many Linux users already set their environment to a UTF-8 locale, in which case you won’t even have to do any conversions. Otherwise you will have to convert multi-byte to wide to UTF-8 on input, and back to multi-byte on output. Nevertheless, UTF-8 has its advantages.

What to do right now

Below I outline concrete steps any ‘C’ programmer could take to bring their code up to date with respect to text encoding. I also present a simple C library that provides the routines needed to manipulate UTF-8.

Here’s the to-do list:

“char” no longer means character

I recommend referring to character codes in C programs using a 32-bit unsigned integer type. Many platforms provide a wchar_t (wide character) type, but unfortunately it is to be avoided since some compilers allot wchar_t only 16-bits; not enough to represent Unicode. Wherever it is needed to pass around an individual character, change char to unsigned int or similar. The only remaining use for the char type is to mean byte.

Get UTF-8-clean

To take advantage of UTF-8, treat bytes higher than 127 as perfectly ordinary characters. For example, a routine that recognizes valid identifier names for a programming language. The existing technique might involve identifiers begining with a letter:

    int valid_identifier_start(char ch) 
        return ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')); 

Using UTF-8, letters from other languages are allowed for as follows:

    int valid_identifier_start(char ch) 
        return ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || 
                ((unsigned char)ch >= 0xC0)); 

A UTF-8 sequence can only start with values 0xC0 or greater, so that’s what is used for checking the start of an identifier. Within an identifier, also allow characters >= 0x80, which is the range of UTF-8 continuation bytes.

Most ‘C’ string library routines still work with UTF-8, since they only scan for terminating NUL characters. A notable exception is strchr(), which in this context is more aptly named strbyte(). Since character codes are passed around as 32-bit integers, replace this with a routine such as u8_strchr() that can scan UTF-8 for a given character. The traditional strchr() returns a pointer to the location of the found character, andu8_strchr() follows suit. In order to obtain the index of the found character, and since u8_strchr() has to scan through the string anyway, it keeps a count and returns a character index as well.

With the old strchr(),pointer arithmetic could be used to determine the character index. Now, any use of pointer arithmetic on strings is likely to be broken since characters are no longer bytes. Any such code will need to be found and fix any code that assumes (char*)b - (char*)a is the number of characters between a and b (though it is still of course the number of bytes between a and b_).

Interface with the environment

Using UTF-8 as an internal encoding is now widespread among ‘C’ programmers. However, the environment the program runs in will not necessarily be nice enough to feed it UTF-8 or expect UTF-8 output.

The functions mbstowcs() and wcstombs() convert from and to locale-specific encodings, respectively. mbs means multi-byte string (i.e. the locale-specific string), and wcs means wide character string (universal 4-byte characters). Clearly, if wide characters are used internally, job done. If UTF-8 is used, there is a chance that the user’s locale will be set to UTF-8 and no conversions are required. To take advantage of that situation, detect it (a function is provided to do this). Otherwise, convert from multi-byte to wide to UTF-8.

Version 1.6 (1.5.x while in development) of the FOX toolkit uses UTF-8 internally, giving dependent programs a nice all-UTF-8-all-the-time environment. GTK2 and Qt also support UTF-8.

Modify APIs to discourage O(n^2) string processing

The idea of non-constant-time string indexing may be a worry. But the reality is there is rarely a need to specifically access the nth character of a string. Algorithms almost never need to make requests like “Quick! Get me the 6th character of this piece of text!” Typically, accessing characters whilst iterating over the whole string, or most of it, UTF-8 is simple enough to process the iteration over the characters and takes essentially the same time as iterating over bytes.

Use u8_inc() and u8_dec() to move through strings. In any libraries developed, be sure to expose some kind of inc() and dec() API so nobody has to move through a string by repeatedly requesting the nth character.

Some UTF-8 routines

Various libraries are available for internationalization and converting between different text encodings. However, there does not appear to be a straightforward set of ‘C’ routines providing the minimal support needed for using UTF-8 as an internal encoding (although this functionality is often embedded in large UI toolkits). I decided to create a small library that could be used to bring UTF-8 to arbitrary ‘C’ programs. This library is quite incomplete; and we might want to look at related FSF offerings and libutf8. libutf8 provides the multi-byte and wide character ‘C’ library routines mentioned above, should this support not be available.

Since performance is sometimes a concern with UTF-8, the routines as fast and lightweight. They perform minimal error checking; they do not bother to determine whether a sequence is valid UTF-8, which can be a security problem. The justification is that the intention of the library is to manipulate an internal encoding; enforcement that all strings stored in memory be valid UTF-8 is an external [to the library] concern. Routines for validating and converting from/to UTF-8 are available, for example from Unicode, Inc.

Note that the library routines do not need to support the many encodings of the world; the ‘C’ library can handle that. If the current locale is not UTF-8, call mbstowcs() on user input to convert any encoding (whatever it is) to a wide character string, then use u8_toutf8() to convert it to the UTF-8. Here’s an example input routine wrapping readline():

char *get_utf8_input() 
    char *line, *u8s; 
    unsigned int *wcs; 
    int len; 
    line = readline(""); 
    if (locale_is_utf8) { 
        return line; 
    else { 
        len = mbstowcs(NULL, line, 0)+1; 
        wcs = malloc(len * sizeof(int)); 
        mbstowcs(wcs, line, len); 
        u8s = malloc(len * sizeof(int)); 
        u8_toutf8(u8s, len*sizeof(int), wcs, len); 
        return u8s; 

The first call to mbstowcs() uses the special parameter value NULL to find the number of characters in the opaque multi-byte string.

The routines are divided into four groups:

Group 1: conversions

    /* is c the start of a utf8 sequence? */ 
    #define isutf(c) (((c)&0xC0)!=0x80) 
    /* convert UTF-8 to UCS-4 (4-byte wide characters) 
       srcsz = source size in bytes, or -1 if 0-terminated 
       sz = dest size in # of wide characters 
       returns # characters converted */ 
    int u8_toucs(unsigned int *dest, int sz, char *src, int srcsz); 
    /* convert UCS-4 to UTF-8 
       srcsz = number of source characters, or -1 if 0-terminated 
       sz = size of dest buffer in bytes 
       returns # characters converted */ 
    int u8_toutf8(char *dest, int sz, unsigned int *src, int srcsz); 
    /* single character to UTF-8 */ 
    int u8_wc_toutf8(char *dest, wchar_t ch); 

Note that the library uses unsigned int as its wide character type.

It is possible to convert a known number of bytes, or a NUL-terminated string. The length of a UTF-8 string is often communicated as a byte count, since that’s what really matters. Recall that a UTF-8 string can usually be treated like a normal C-string with N characters (where N is the number of bytes in the UTF-8 sequence), with the possibility that some characters are > 127.

Group 2: moving through UTF-8 strings

    /* character number to byte offset */ 
    int u8_offset(char *str, int charnum); 
    /* byte offset to character number */ 
    int u8_charnum(char *s, int offset); 
    /* return next character, updating a byte-index variable */ 
    unsigned int u8_nextchar(char *s, int *i); 
    /* move to next character */ 
    void u8_inc(char *s, int *i); 
    /* move to previous character */ 
    void u8_dec(char *s, int *i); 

Group 3: Unicode escape sequences

In the absence of Unicode input methods, Unicode characters are often notated using special escape sequences beginning with\u or \U. \u expects up to four hexadecimal digits, and \U expects up to eight. With these routines a program can accept input and give output using such sequences if necessary.

    /* assuming src points to the character after a backslash, 
       read an escape sequence, storing the result in dest and 
       returning the number of input characters processed */ 
    int u8_read_escape_sequence(char *src, unsigned int *dest); 
    /* given a wide character, convert it to an ASCII escape sequence 
       stored in buf, where buf is "sz" bytes. returns the number 
       of characters output. */ 
    int u8_escape_wchar(char *buf, int sz, unsigned int ch); 
    /* convert a string "src" containing escape sequences to UTF-8 */ 
    int u8_unescape(char *buf, int sz, char *src); 
    /* convert UTF-8 "src" to ASCII with escape sequences. 
       if escape_quotes is nonzero, quote characters will be preceded 
       by backslashes as well. */ 
    int u8_escape(char *buf, int sz, char *src, int escape_quotes); 
    /* utility predicates used by the above */ 
    int octal_digit(char c); 
    int hex_digit(char c); 

Group 4: replacements for standard functions

    /* return a pointer to the first occurrence of ch in s, or 
       NULL if not found. character index of found character 
       returned in *charn. */ 
    char *u8_strchr(char *s, unsigned int ch, int *charn); 
    /* same as the above, but searches a buffer of a given 
       size instead of a NUL-terminated string. */ 
    char *u8_memchr(char *s, unsigned int ch, size_t sz, int *charn); 
    /* count the number of characters in a UTF-8 string */ 
    int u8_strlen(char *s); 
    /* given the string returned by setlocale(), determine 
       whether the current locale speaks UTF-8 */ 
    int u8_is_locale_utf8(char *locale); 
    /* these functions can print from UTF-8 strings. they make 
       no assumptions about locale; you can circumvent them 
       if is_locale_utf8 */ 
    int u8_vprintf(char *fmt, va_list ap); 
    int u8_printf(char *fmt, ...); 

Last modified on 2018-05-02