Martin Pickering

What makes up this website

This website is, what I believe is known as, a static website. In that it has no active content generated on demand by some back-end service.

I have made use of HUGO to assist in the creation and management of the websites content. HUGO is a popular open-source static site generator and uses a combination of its own CLI, Markdown and GO to achieve its objective.

I have also made use of an MIT Licensed Theme for HUGO called hugo-theme-diary. I am very grateful to AmazingRise, the publisher of this theme.

The site’s resources are version controlled via a GitHub Repository. I can edit any of the site’s resources or create new resources directly using the simplest of text editors etc and the GIT CLI. Or (as I more normally do), I can use the HUGO-aware CMS from It provides me with a WCMS style experience whilst I am maintaining my website’s content.’s GIT-backed CMS is a great tool and supports the HUGO, Jekyll and Gatsby frameworks.

CircleCI’s continuous integration/continuous deployment services are press-ganged to build, test and deploy the website whenever the GIT Repository’s default branch is updated.

Google Cloud Firebase is the current host environment along with a CloudFlare frontage.

Last modified on 2022-01-04