Martin Pickering

The Project gets underway

Today saw the Beeston Castle Roundhouse Project get underway. The first activity was for the Core Build Team:

  • to be inducted into English Heritage
  • to receive Health and Safety, First Aid and Fire Safety Training
  • introduced to the Beeston Castle Site, layout and history

We were also introduced to Luke Winter of Historic Concepts.

Luke is our Project Leader, instructor and font of all Bronze Age, archaeological and ancient building technology knowledge.

During our induction we were shown the site for the Roundhouse, which has been partially cleared in preparation for the project getting underway.

The Partially prepared site for the Roundhouse

The Partially prepared site for the Roundhouse

The photo above shows Carolyn Hicks of English Heritage, our Volunteer Co-ordinator, standing dead centre of the roundhouse. Barely discernable are two circles darwn on the ground: the inner circle marks the wall of the house and the outer one the extent of the eaves. So, it ain’t gonna be small house then!

Potential Roof Posts?

Potential Roof Posts?

The photo above shows that some of the timber gathering has also begun with a few Oak Trees collected, snedded and awaiting further processing. It looks like three of these are destined to become the tallest, central roof supports.

This is what the quarry site looked like prior to the Roundhouse Project. The photo is taken from almost the same position as the first photo on this page.

This is what the quarry site looked like prior to the Roundhouse Project. The photo is taken from almost the same position as the first photo on this page.

Finally, we were given one piece of disappointing news. The Project has been delayed. This is because final planning permission from CWAC has not yet arrived. Until it does, no further work can begin.

Last modified on 2019-01-10