Martin Pickering

Build Week 10, 10th June 2019

This Build Week begins exactly as the previous Build Week finished; in the rain.

Still trying to add thatch to the roof. But the rain just keeps coming and coming.

It makes for very slow progress because working up on the roof is very precarious as every surface is wet and slippery. The cordage we are are using to secure the thatch is soaking wet, which means the slip knots are locking up before we have managed to reach the requisite pressure. When this happens we have to cut off the cord and start again. Slow and frustrating.

No matter, things might be relentless but progress is being made.

The large amount of water that has fallen from the heavens has also showed us of a task that we have previously overlooked. It has now become a pressing matter from point of view of:

  • comfort
  • site sfatey
  • building safety and longevity

The site has become flooded and drainage becomes an urgent matter.

Our first casualty in the wet conditions. Poor Dave Trevor, we shall miss him.

Our first casualty in the wet conditions. Poor Dave Trevor, we shall miss him.

A work team is hastly formed and despatched to start creating some drains and a sump.

Why a sump? Whilst we have permission to work in the quarry area and can undertake limited distrurbance of the ground, we do not have Monuments Approval to disturb the ground outside of the quarry area. The quarry floor is slightly lower than the surrounding parts and to be able to drain the excess water from the quarry would lead us to disturb areas of ground for which we don’t have permission.

Therefore, we shall create a sump, located in the quarry, to drain the excess water into.

This will have an additional advantage. For when we come to making the duab for our walls we will have a local, on-site water supply and we won’t have to carry many litres of water up the hill.

In other news, Caroline’s sculptures form a part of a Gold Medal winning Garden Design at Gardeners’ World Live.

Caroline’s sculptures in their Gold Medal Winning Garden.

Caroline’s sculptures in their Gold Medal Winning Garden.

The Garden was sponsored by Marrie Curie and was design by Emma Berry.

The Garden was sponsored by Marrie Curie and was design by Emma Berry.

By the end of the very wet week, an exhausted build team retired to the Pub to review this week’s progress.

By the end of the very wet week, an exhausted build team retired to the Pub to review this week’s progress.

You can also see the drains have begun to do their thing as there is no longer any standing water around the building.

Historic Concepts Blog

Last modified on 2019-06-16