Martin Pickering

Build Week 11, 8th July 2019


I came down with some sort of viral infection and I miss the entire Build Week.

Some said it was because I didn’t like thatching, and they do have a point; I don’t. But nevertheless, that was not the reason!

So I am afraid I don’t have much to say about this Build Week as I have zero first hand information to impart.

I can say that the weather has been kinder and so the thatching has been able to continue and at a pace.

I can say that the weather has been kinder and so the thatching has been able to continue and at a pace.

I also noted that the Larch Logs have been given some focus and a team began splitting them with a view to making planks ready to begin furniture projects.

I also noted that the Larch Logs have been given some focus and a team began splitting them with a view to making planks ready to begin furniture projects.

Historic Concepts Blog

Last modified on 2019-07-14