Martin Pickering

More site preparations

Post Holes appear

Post Holes appear

Some of the Post Holes for the building have been created.

You might ask why there? and why that particular number? and what an odd pattern?

This is because they match with the number, pattern and placement of an actual Beeston Bronze Age Roundhouse excavated elsewhere on the Castle’s Grounds- so dem is aufentik, init!

As this site had been previously a Sandstone Quarry it was expected that the Post Holes would need to be plunged into the sandstone floor of the quarry. So mechanical assistance had been brought in to get the holes drilled.

Turns out that the floor of this quarry is not sandstone for several hundred centimeters so the big mechanical stuff was not required. It does mean that the ability for the ground to hold roof and wall posts upright is different to what had been imagined. Some thought needs to be given as to the depth required for these post holes now that the true ground conditions have revealed themselves.

On the work front. I have a new agreement with Maginus to allow me the necessary time away to be involved in this project. They have been great and very understanding and I am truly grateful to them. So that is a 40% reduction in working time for 6 months and all of my annual holiday entitlement given over to this project; bargain.

Last modified on 2019-01-30