Martin Pickering

Build Week 6, 1st April 2019

Build Week 6 is upon us.

We begin the week finishing the off the remaining parts for the Wall Plate.

We also manufacture the parts for the ring beam that goes on top of the central 3 roof posts. Whilst doing so, we come to recognise that the peg tenons and and slot motices we have so carefully fashioned on the top of the biggest Posts are in fact, wrong. So a willing volunteer was told to clamber up and make the necessary adjustments.

Whilst working on the joinery atop the largest three posts, I can see a new team of miniature Builders have arrived.

Whilst working on the joinery atop the largest three posts, I can see a new team of miniature Builders have arrived.

Lifting our first Wall Plate beam into position.

Lifting our first Wall Plate beam into position.

By the end of Day 2, 60% of the Wall Plate was up.

By the end of Day 2, 60% of the Wall Plate was up.

By the end of Day 3, the house she is round!

By the end of Day 3, the house she is round!

Each of the joints of the Wall Plate that consists of a square tenon and slot mortice (rather than a peg tenon and round mortice) is further secured using tapered pegs. The pegs are made from Oak and are created on our shavehorse using a draw knife. As a lot of pegs are required a little industry sprang up to manufacture pegs at a pace so as not to slow the assembly of the wall plate.

Unfortunately, due to a misheard communique the first complete set of pegs were to the wrong hole dimension. So, a new set was urgently required. Luckily we were by now quite practised at the job and could create pegs rapidly.

By the end of Build Week 6, both wall plates are complete and we’re ready for the roof

By the end of Build Week 6, both wall plates are complete and we’re ready for the roof

Here’s a short video of the last part of the Wall Plate going into position.

Historic Concepts Blog

Last modified on 2019-04-07