Martin Pickering

Build Week 12, 15th July 2019

I return to the Beeston Castle Bronze Age Roundhouse Project having missed the previous Build Week due to ill health.

My fellow Build Team members all seem to think that my absence was down to an excessive dislike of thatching. Not true!

Well the dislike part is true. But that was not why I missed Build Week 11.

I didn’t remember to take any photographs this week and so that puts me in a bit of a bind with regards to what to put in this Post. Fortunately, Caroline and Dave Trevor came to my rescue with some pictures they took.

Summary for the week:

  • More thatching, so very nearly done now
  • we had visitors, our first school party
  • we had more visitors, various people from other parts of English Heritage came to play
  • Bracken was harvested with a view to a little roofing experiment on the Roundhouse Annexe

Did you say annexe? Yes, I did.

Dave Trevor came up with the idea that one area of the roof with especially long roof beams and a very ameniable arrangement of the wall posts could be viewed as and so made into a little annexe. So we all said why not!

We also decided that as the roof for the annexe would not be a continuation of the main roof and because it was limited in size we could indulge in a little experimentation. So, we have decided to roof the annexe using a material that Beeston Castle has an excess of. Namely, Bracken.

There’s plenty of bracken to harvest in the Beeston Castle Woodland Park.

There’s plenty of bracken to harvest in the Beeston Castle Woodland Park.

Some of the bracken harvest for use on the annexe roof.

Some of the bracken harvest for use on the annexe roof.

The Roundhouse is intended to be a useful and fun educational resource for the local community and schools. We were able to welcome our first school party this week.

The Roundhouse is intended to be a useful and fun educational resource for the local community and schools. We were able to welcome our first school party this week.

The work on the roof with the thatching continues.

The work on the roof with the thatching continues.

As Gordon is demonstrating, this thatching work is not all glamour.

As Gordon is demonstrating, this thatching work is not all glamour.

The climb up to the areas of the roof actively being worked on is getting higher and higher.

The climb up to the areas of the roof actively being worked on is getting higher and higher.

The end is in sight now.

The end is in sight now.

Although, there is still tidying and dressing work to do.

Although, there is still tidying and dressing work to do.

At the end of Week 12, we have a very attractive thatched Roundhouse.

At the end of Week 12, we have a very attractive thatched Roundhouse.

Historic Concepts Blog

Last modified on 2019-07-21