Martin Pickering

Husqvarna 550 XP Chainsaw

Stuff I need to remember
1 minutes

Maginus Flow

A description of the process with examples.
14 minutes

Which Workflow?

So which is the Git Workflow for me?
3 minutes

Git Oneflow

Its like Gitflow, but simpler.
3 minutes

Dictator and Lieutenants Workflow

Open-Source anyone?
1 minutes

Integration Manager Workflow

Generally found at GitHub and GitLab.
2 minutes

The Forking Workflow

Daring to be different.
1 minutes


The most popular Git Workflow.
1 minutes

Git Feature Branch Workflow

Never break the master branch
2 minutes

The Centralised Workflow

Are you transitioning from a Centralised Version Control System?
2 minutes

A fly-by of several Git Workflows

What's already out there?
1 minutes

Why have a Git Workflow?

Good, now that is the right question...
1 minutes

Maginus Flow - Prologue

A Git workflow for Maginus
1 minutes

Unicode in C

Given the variety of human languages on this planet, text is a complex subject. Many are scared away from dealing with the various scripts of the world. This is because they think of the numerous related software problems in the area, instead of focusing on what they can do with their code to help.
17 minutes

Task-based APIs

A treatise on the design of behaviourally complete APIs

This Post is concerned with a possble future direction of Application Programming Interface (API) Design. It asserts that we can achieve better APIs than have hitherto been delivered. It proposes that there is much that we can learn from a small number of key design disciplines and design patterns; DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Naked Objects, SOLID.
25 minutes

Semantic Versioning

A widely adopted principle adopted within the Software Industry (amongst others) is known as Semantic Versioning. Its manifesto can be found at I shall, unapologetically, reproduce an abridged version below as a reminder for myself.
10 minutes

National Language Support Definitions

An attempt at defining the terms Character Set, Encoding, Locale and National Language Support.
4 minutes

Remote Branches

When you're not an island.
7 minutes


It's a kind of magic.
5 minutes

Branching Workflows

What can/should you do with branches?
3 minutes