Martin Pickering

Maginus Flow - Prologue

To the question: “What Version Control System (VCS) do we use at Maginus?”

The answer is: “We use Git”.

Great. Everybody knows Git, right? So that’s sorted and we can just get on with the enjoyable task of creating great software.


Everybody who knows Git also knows that:

  1. Git is just a collection of concepts and an assemblage of Tools (client-side and server-side)
  2. A collaborating Git Team has first to agree upon, and then abide by, a set of rules, practices and conventions as to how they are to interact with Git in order not to make a mess of things and to achieve their long term goals efficiently and effectively; this is known as their adopted Git Workflow

So, “What is the Git Workflow Maginus has adopted?”

Good, now that is the right question

Answer: Maginus Flow. And this is a series of posts that will describe it.

Last modified on 2018-08-16