Martin Pickering

Bread Making

I’ve made bread at home on and off for about 28 years. For most of that time it was a loaf every other day from a Panasonic Breadmaker. The machine would be loaded with ingredients at bedtime and there would be a freshly baked loaf ready at breakfast time. Every now and then I would make a Bloomer or two from scratch.

Then, about 15 years ago, I found out about San Francisco Sourdough and it sounded interesting and fun. I gave it a try. I failed. I persisted and I got better. I have continued making Sourdough Bread ever since. I have used the same starter colony for about 14 years now. She’s been christened Victoria (or Vicky) and is an ever present part of our fridge, if not our family.

I made Sourdough Bread frequently, but irregularly. I have probably averaged about two loaves a month, usually made on a weekend. Then Covid struck and the work from home situation began…

I have been making on average 3 sourdough loaves a week ever since and I am afraid the Panasonic has just gathered dust.

Sourdough is not the only bread I have a go at. But it is my staple. From time to time I will try my hand at other types of bread:

  • Various forms of flat breads that are usually cooked on the stove and I always burn my hands
  • Italian breads especially Focaccia
  • Turkish breads usually Pide and Ekmek

I use Eric Treuille’s and Ursula Ferringo’s book “BREAD” as my main source of information and inspiration for bready experiments. I have tagged my bread-like posts if you want to find them.

If Sourdough pricks your curiosity but you don’t know how or where to start then may I recommend checking out Jack Sturgess’ Bake with Jack website and YouTube Channel. I’m sure he does many other forms of social media as well.

Last modified on 2022-01-06